The Rule
The Rule is divided into five sections
1. The Preamble.
This section introduces the nature of the Community. It states that the call to Community is to follow 'the path of Love made flesh even though it is difficult and costly.
2. 'Put Love in where there is no Love in order to draw Love out' (John of the Cross.)
This title sums up the role of the Community. The Rule speaks of the importance of sharing our ideas and traditions in 'order that we all might move into new spiritual dimensions.' Dialogue is seen as important as it enables 'us to move away from 'you' and 'me' to 'us'. Being freed from prejudice and fear and looking upon others with the eyes of God.' Out of this dialogue comes a true sense of what unity means. A unity based upon the nature of God who 'loves things to be different.' It is a reaching both within and beyond our traditions and understandings and seeing the Christ who makes us one in his Body.
3. 'Prayer is heart to heart conversation with the God who we know loves us' (St Teresa of Avila).
This introduces the section on Prayer. Prayer is about the priorities we hold. It changes us not for our own benefit but in order that we can be of benefit to others.
It is from Prayer we learn that Community must be a place where the individual is never stifled but enhanced and encouraged. From Prayer we learn to get rid of our pride and prejudices. The moment of our 'yes' to God. Through Prayer we learn to enter into the Paschal mystery. The passing from death to life.
4.'The Common life exists only when we all who partake in it share the single aim of building together.' (Roger Shutz.)
These words introduces the third part of the Rule. The Community is called to witness to the richness and diverse thoughts of each other and to 'the encouragement of each other as we journey through life'. Within the Community there can be no stereotyping which allows individuals to be 'stifled. The Community should support and enrich each other.
Under this section also comes the nature of our vows which Full Members take for life. The vows bind the individual to the vision of the Rule. It is expressed in the threefold vows of Detachment. Chastity and Obedience.
5. The Conclusion
The Conclusion of the Rule calls on the Community members never to 'stifle the vision' but constantly reflect upon it. Always 'break through the walls that separate us from each other'. The Conclusion sums up the need of all the members to discover what we are most bound to by our Rule.